Violence against women is what the government wants to do: ‘for all’ electronic wristbands and faster processes

Automatic application of electronic wristband in crimes related to gender-based violence, postponement of red-handed arrest for stalking, domestic abuse and violation of the prohibition of approach, faster processes. These are some of the measures included in the draft law, which is under review at the Council of Ministers today, 7 June.

A crackdown on violence against women a few days after the tragic incident of pregnant 29-year-old Giulia Tramontano, who was killed by her partner Alessandro Impagnatiello in Senago (Milan).

Council of Ministers today, 7 June 2023

The Council of Ministers met at Palazzo Chigi on 7 June 18. Items on the agenda:

  • Decree-Law “Immediate provisions on the implementation of obligations arising from European Union activities and pending infringement and pre-infringement procedures against the Italian State”;
  • Draft law “Provisions on combating violence against women and domestic violence”;
  • Draft law “Government Delegation on Horticultural Matters”;
  • Presidential Decree “Regulation of the President of the Republic of November 11, 2005, No. 255, amending the decision on the structural unity of the Central Committee of historical studies and historical institutes”;
  • Presidential Decree “Regulation containing amendments to the Presidential Decree dated May 9, 1994 and numbered 487 on the rules of entry to employment in public administrations and the procedures for competition, single competition and other forms of employment in public employment”;
  • Decision of the President of the Council of Ministers “Amendments in the President’s Decision No. 90, dated 15 March 2010, Concerning the Organization of the Ministry of National Defense on the Regulatory Provisions of the Military System”.

Violence against women: electronic wristbands and more severe penalties

The government aims to increase the penalties for crimes related to gender-based violence. The focal points of the draft law, which emerged in cooperation with the Ministry of Family, Interior and Justice,

  • Obligation to maintain a minimum distance of 500 meters in the event of a ban on approaching the victim;
  • thirty days for both prosecutors’ requests for injunctive relief and investigation judges’ applications;
  • a pool of dedicated judges;
  • intensifying the use of electronic wristbands. Currently, the implementation of the measure is at the discretion of the judge, subject to the consent of the suspect. With the new legislation on crimes related to gender-based violence, the application will always be automated by consent, unless the judge deems it necessary;
  • prolongation of offenses related to the execution of reprimand;
  • stalking and ill-treatment, as well as attempted murder, revenge porn and permanent disfigurement (acid attacks, ed).

And again, harsher penalties are expected for repeat offenders. Article 1, in cases of violence, personal injury, private violence, threats, persecution, revenge pornography, sexual violence, trespassing and harm, “the penalties are increased if committed as a crime in the context of domestic violence.” The subject being warned…even if the person being insulted is different from the one whose protection has been taken”.

Article 9 provides for deferred detention in flagrante delicto. “In any event, a person who is the perpetrator on the basis of video and photographic documents or other documents in which the truth has been definitively established shall be admitted in the act of redemption, provided that he is arrested at the latest necessary for identification and in any event within 48 hours of the incident”.

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Source: Today IT
