Tuscany, high school students on a trip to the Unity party. The League: “Disgraceful”

Loving and accompanying the party. And maybe even celebrate the end of the school year on Unity Day. Montespertoli, a small town a stone’s throw from Florence, suddenly seems to have turned into a province of Pyongyang, in the North Korean state. What seems like a joke, even the most original bar joke is simply reality. A group of high school students from the municipality of Empoli will actually spend the last day before the summer holidays at the Festa dell’Unità next Saturday. It was Lega MEP Susanna Ceccardi (pictured) who discovered and shared this surreal story on her Facebook page. «It is shameful that a year-end party is organized within a party, with a poster. In Tuscany we have to see that too. I wonder why parents of students who don’t share the left’s political line should be forced to listen to an election rally? It is urgent that the school management clarify this matter. We are in Tuscany, not North Korea».

Parents tried to pour water on the fire, arguing that it was they and not the school board who chose Unity Day. “It is an agreement regarding the season and the type of dinner offered, the policy in this case has nothing to do with it”. A stance that did not dilute the controversy, especially on the web. Thousands of comments. “If it had been the right to propose something similar, the rally would have been likened to a meeting point for fascist ballillas”, underlines Francesco.

Michele echoes him: “It seems like an indoctrination project typical of certain autarkic regimes. Who knows if they will be able to take it to port or if civil society will rebel against the obvious imposition». Peremptory Ugo: “It is the demonstration of their unique thinking which is a hidden extremism and they pretend to be democrats demonstrating an opposition beyond politics but only of non-belonging and they talk about rights but how they present them are impositions”.

The mayor of Montespertoli, Alessio Mugnaini, spoke out on the matter, again on social media, who responded to the League’s exponent with very inelegant words. «Susanna Ceccardi unfortunately got boos for fiascoes. Which usually happens if you don’t know the area. If once he wants to come to Montespertoli a flask (of wine), we will gladly give it to him». The deputy’s response is ready. «Offer the fiasco to your comrades who made the poster. Does it seem normal to you to put a state public school’s end-of-year dinner on a political poster? It seems normal to you because you’ve always managed with arrogance and pomposity. You made the slip. A lack of respect for educational institutions and for those (fortunately many) who don’t think like you».

Source: IL Tempo
