Drugs, Meloni’s Barricades: “It always hurts.” No rewind in reading

A clear and clear position that has never changed over time. Giorgia Meloni reiterates her conviction “no” to all drugs. Be they light or heavy. “The State will do its part in the fight against drugs, I believe that, objectively, it is not tolerable to read about children who accidentally take drugs or to see newborns who come into the world in abstinence, kept on methadone.” Unequivocal words, those pronounced this afternoon by the prime minister during his speech at the event of the World Day against Drugs. “Whoever says that everything is fine like that must have a conscience problem, let’s implement a paradigm shift. I don’t like hypocrisy and I want to reiterate simple concepts even if at this moment we become the subject of controversy, but I’m used to defending what I believe in Drugs are always bad and in any case, each milligram eats a piece of you – underlined the Prime Minister – drugs are bad for everyone: there are no sensible distinctions in this sense to say that they are not all the same is a lie, a deceit and whoever says it knows it, has produced very heavy consequences”.

A direct message to those who would like to liberalize cannabis. “All the narration goes in the same direction: television series, documentaries, films – denounced the Prime Minister -. The message is that the drug is non-conformist, it is good, it does not hurt. was a hero, broadcast on the same platform where the documentaries against Muccioli were made and broadcast. A man who saved thousands of children when the state turned”. Giorgia Meloni, at the conclusion of her speech, finally pointed the finger at culture, cinema and television. “In recent years, a vulgate has grown up that sells drugs as a form of freedom, I cannot understand how something that actually enslaves you and eats a piece of you every day can pass and be sold as freedom” .

Source: IL Tempo
