Pnrr, Italy and the EU agree on the third installment. Cash by the end of the year

The funds remain the same, 35 billion until the end of 2023, but the third installment drops by around 500 million, to 18.5 billion, and the fourth rises to 16.5 billion: this was established after the agreement between the government and the EU on the Pnrr, communicated at the end of the control room meeting in Palazzo Chigi and chaired by the competent minister, Raffaele Fitto. The transfer of resources from the third to the fourth installment is essentially due to a request for change in the field of student housing reform, explains the Government, in order to insert a new milestone in the fourth installment, clarify the conditions and objectives of the measure and correct some writing errors.

«According to the Commission», underlines the executive, «the proposed changes will not have an impact on the total amount of payments that Italy will receive in 2023 with the third and fourth installments (total value of 35 billion euros). The third tranche will cover 54 targets for 18.5 billion euros, while the fourth 28 targets for 16.5 billion euros”, while before the targets were 55 and 27 respectively.

No changes are foreseen “to the total amount of payments that Italy should receive in 2023, taking into account both the third and fourth payment requests”, however EU sources also confirm. “We reiterate that we have been in contact with the Italian authorities on this matter and have had constructive exchanges”, in particular on the “provision on student accommodation”. EU Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, is satisfied: “We have worked hard in recent weeks in a constructive way, and I think that in the end the solution is very positive. Italy will reach the objectives foreseen for the third and fourth installments, according to the design of the plan”.

Satisfaction also emerges from government sources because, given the challenges of the Pnrr, “intensive work has been carried out in recent months, with the contribution of all the competent administrations and without interruption, to complete the implementation phase, in permanent contact with the offices of the European Commission”. However, the opposition goes on the attack. The secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, underlines: «It is good that the third installment finally arrives, but it demonstrates the incapacity of this government to manage this unique and unrepeatable investment plan in our country. We are available to collaborate but this government needs a step forward ». While the M5S attacks student housing, about which, explain the 5 Stars deputies in the Education Commission, “we have been sounding the alarm in all offices for months. The cut for housing in the third installment of the Pnrr is a real failure whose responsibility lies entirely with this government ».

Source: IL Tempo
