Tell at the party Pd. The wide field tries again and clings to the Europeans

After the big freeze, the leader of the 5 stelle Movement is expected at the Festa dell’Unità in Ravenna, at the invitation of the secretary of the Pd. The announcement was made by Domani, by Carlo De Benedetti. The broad field tries again and soon the differences between the political strengths of Giuseppe Conte and Elly Schlein will be less evident. Current polls register 19% for the Nazarene and 16% for the party founded by Beppe Grillo. Meanwhile, the centre-right remains unabated and sends out signs of cohesion to voters. It is likely that the decision to convene was dictated by the hemorrhage of votes that has shaken the left.

On the other hand, it is not new that festive celebrations are events with strong symbolic value. The one between Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte is already the most talked about reunion in politics. Meanwhile, today Pd, 5Stelle, Action, Greens, Left and ex-radicals will be the actors face to face with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to talk about the minimum wage. The proposal of the head of the 5 Star Movement, endorsed by all the aforementioned formations (and not by Italia viva), is the natural link to provide a first reason for external unity.

Secretary dem and Conte may have understood that if results are not achieved together, they really do not participate in the dispute alone. The decision to participate in the Festival of Unification in Ravenna could be a way to start getting attached to the European elections.

Source: IL Tempo
