Minimum wage, “we work together”. Then Meloni shifts left

Giorgia Meloni puts on the table her proposal that displaces the left: on the minimum wage we are in distant positions, but we are giving Cnel the task of working on a solution that satisfies the workers and brings the parties closer together to try to find a solution. Method that meets with the approval of the leader of Action Carlo Calenda, half yes of the leader of the Italian left Nicola Fratoianni, while Pd and Cinco Estrelas insist on saying no. Indeed, Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte relaunched the collection of signatures in their proposal. Thus ends the meeting at Palazzo Chigi between the Prime Minister and the opposition parties to reach an agreement. An hour and a half all gathered around a table to hear ideas and answers. But in the end, as hypothesized, there is no deal. But at least a glimpse seems to open up. «We will wait to be able to discuss» about a Government proposal, says the secretary of the Democratic Party «but in the meantime we will continue on our own. There is a strong popular consensus, we can launch today the collection of signatures that we had already announced». “Today we were not so convinced of the perplexities – he continues – We are going to insist, in fact we are going to relaunch, asking citizens who are in favor of a fundamental measure to combat bad work to support this project”. Giorgia Meloni defends her choice. “I intend to arrive in time for the budget law, but I don’t want it to be simply a proposal from the majority as opposed to that of the opposition,” he explained to journalists’ questions during a press conference in Piazza Colonna at the end of the meeting, of the majority’s proposals on this matter, one was proposed by FI. But it wouldn’t have been a good method of dialogue to say “replace your proposal with ours…”. A good method of dialogue is to formulate a proposal that addresses the issue as a whole». The prime minister reiterates that the issue of “bad” work is one of the government’s priorities, which, however, is more convinced that in Italy it is necessary to continue on the path of collective bargaining. Otherwise, you run the risk of flattening many wages down. “I chose to respond to the opposition starting from the specific proposal of the minimum wage – he explains again – because the issue of the contrast with bad work interests us as long as we understand that it is a broad topic that must be addressed in its complexity “. Then “ball” to the National Council for the Economy and Work. «I proposed a much broader comparison – he continues – which involves whoever is constitutionally more capable of this function, Cnel, to complete it before the start of the budgetary law, in time to have the necessary coverage to take measures. Precarious work should not be solved simply with the minimum wage, but we are open to discussion on a broad subject”. Nicola Fratoianni, leader of the Italian left, sketches a half yes at the opening of the Prime Minister: «Giorgia Meloni told us that the subject is important, that the government wants to face the opposition in the general subject, naturally we are available for discussion, in fact we consider this availability of the president of the council a first result of the convergent initiative of the oppositions, a success, and it is the reason why we will continue our political battle in our bill that is effective, solid and useful. More optimistic Carlo Calenda: «We got to the bottom of the government’s doubts. The proposal that the prime minister made to us includes a broader vision than the minimum wage, within which there is no prejudice to discuss the proposal. What we have decided to do as oppositions is to continue our battle and at the same time we are not going to shy away from dialogue.”

Source: IL Tempo
