Although the politicians, in particular the main representatives of the majority, went on vacation at the end of the meeting on the minimum wage, for the government there are really countless issues to be resolved in view of September.
JUSTICE The topic that raises the most tension is undoubtedly the reform of the judiciary. Justice Minister Carlo Nordio is pressing for the cancellation of the abuse of power he considers “a kind of residual crime”. The clash with the togas, in this case with the ANM, is also fueled by the hypothesis of a separation of careers between prosecutors and judges.
In addition, the recipe should not be forgotten, according to the latest rumors, an agreement has already been reached between Majority, Italia Viva and Azione. The settlement provides for a return to Orlando law (no interruption during the trial or after conviction, but suspension for a maximum of 36 months, 18 after the first degree and another 18 after the appeal) and the cancellation of the last two reforms: i.e. those recorded by Alfonso Bonafede and Marta Cartabia, who established, respectively, the blocking of the statute of limitations after the first instance sentence and the inadmissibility mechanism if the first instance sentence had not been handed down in two years in the first instance and one year in the appeal.
TAX REFORM It was the last provision to be considered by the House before the summer recess. After the government has received the definitive green light from Montecitorio for the fiscal delegation, September promises to be “hot” with the approval of the execution decrees and the “counting” of the resources that will appear in the Nadef to be released until September 27th. The bill is the framework with principles and criteria for the revision of the tax system, which the executive will have to translate into regulation in the next 24 months. Among the main contents of the provision: reduction of IRS rates, less Ires and Irap, revision of VAT, less taxes on payments of thirteen months and no tax penalty for those who collaborate with the Federal Revenue.
BEACH CONCESSIONS And again: the rules for using the country’s beaches. In fact, the government must approve a legislative provision by the end of the year, otherwise it runs the risk of incurring a tightening of the European infringement procedure. The regulation will have to guarantee the free movement of services and free competition in the EU market, as well as the correct transposition of the Services Directive, known as ‘Bolkestein’. It’s not an easy goal because the new rules will have to balance numerous interests, not just those of small, large or historic state beach concessions, but also the Italian government’s relationship with the EU.
TAXI And then there’s the white car chapter. The omnibus decree approved by the last Council of Ministers on 7 August gives metropolitan cities, provincial capitals and cities with an international airport the possibility of launching tenders for the attribution of new licenses for white vehicles, increasing them to a maximum of 20% of existing locally. Norm that the unions of taxi drivers did not like very much, because in their opinion there are already measures that allow local administrations to intervene in taxis. At the press conference, the Minister of Business, Adolfo Urso, explained that “there will be other discussions” until the final conversion of the decree into law and that “the device can be implemented later”.
ITA AIRWAYS Still in the transport sector, Mef and Lufthansa are waiting until September to obtain the green light from the European Antitrust regarding the entry of the German company in Ita Airways. The total investment of the giant led by Carsten Spohr amounts to 830 million euros.
PNRR On the 7th of August, the proposal for a global amendment to the Pnrr, which also includes the new RePowerEu, was officially presented to the European Commission. This “offer”, as communicated by the EU Policies department of Palazzo Chigi, will also be evaluated in the coming months by the European Commission. And then there is the fourth tranche of the national recovery and resilience plan, worth €16.5 billion, which is expected to be disbursed by the end of the year.
SINGLE NETWORK The memorandum of understanding that foresees the entry of Mef alongside the Kkr fund in the consortium that will acquire Netco (a company in which Tim will merge his entire network) has already been signed. According to privileged information, the Dpcm will be launched around mid-September, which will make the government’s commitment effective in order to be able to respect the date of September 30th for sending the binding offer. But the executive must find 2.6 billion euros to keep 20% of the future company.
MINIMUM WAGE The wage issue hovers in the world of work. Voting on the opposition bill will not start before September 29.
EX ILVA The day before, the third stage of Acciaierie d’Italia’s commercial plan will be presented in Taranto, in which the group’s innovations with a view to 2024 will be discussed.
MONTH Mess will also once again be a protagonist in the classroom in September, when the bill that foresees the ratification of the new European Stability Mechanism will be discussed.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.