Fight against tax evasion. “Go to cross-check checking accounts against tax evasion”. The director of the Federal Revenue, Ernesto Maria Ruffini, in an interview with “Corriere della Sera” explains that “the current account file is a fundamental resource because it allows intercepting, for example, individuals with fictitious residence abroad but who have accounts in our country”. The person in charge specifies that «the first explorations based on pseudonymous data, that is, initially anonymous and then usable based on additional information, will focus on the year 2017 and will make it possible to identify, for example, subjects who have had great movements in their current accounts but did not file a tax return”.
Ruffini emphasizes that “it is too early to make predictions” about the results of the new tool, “not least because we only concluded in May the activities required by the Privacy Guarantor to guarantee the correct use of personal data”. But, to give an idea of the public that can be affected by checks, he explains that «more than 80% of all tax evasion concerns those who do not deliver the declaration or present it unfaithfully, less than 20% the so-called tax evasion payment, that is, of those who present the declaration but then do not pay when they should ». “Let’s not forget that the vast majority of taxpayers are honest and always pay everything, down to the last penny, even if they aren’t making money,” says Ruffini. «If we want to guarantee fundamental rights such as health, education, public order, resources are needed. And that’s what the agency does.”
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.