After the initial stance of Minister Guido Crosetto (who spoke of “madness”), the majority now largely supports General Vannacci. Background is known: Vannacci, 55, a long-time soldier, former head of Folgore and until now the commander of the Institute of Military Geography, published an article titled “The World is Upside Down.” minorities” and, among many controversial statements, homosexuals as “not normal”. The publication has already cost the military a reshuffle. Crosetto also announced that the Defense would initiate a disciplinary review because, according to the minister himself, the book expressed views that “discredited the Army, the Defense and the Constitution”.
Salvini: ‘Vannacci should be prosecuted for his actions in office’
But among the majority, Crosetto is increasingly isolated. Matteo Salvini has now joined the choir of defenders of the general. “I refuse to think that there is a Big Brother in Italy who says you can read this and not read this,” the deputy prime minister said live on his social channels. “General Vannacci was chosen as a danger,” he added. “But I will buy this book, because it is right to know and understand before commenting and judging. I will read the book of this general who served in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, saving lives, defending the homeland, homeland, flag, so many soldiers our children who complain about the depleted uranium that does so much harm”.
And then again: “The general should be prosecuted for what he did in the service, then if he writes something that has nothing to do with state secrets or his business, but expresses his thoughts, then I think he has every duty and right to do it. That’s why many people, starting with some left-wing journalists I’ll take a few hours to read all of their comments and condemnations before I read them all. Read, then agree, disagree, partially agree, but in the modern and supportive Italy of 2023 like impeachment, Giordano Bruno makes absolutely no sense to me”.
In short, no condemnation at the stake. Not just. According to league sources, a “very cordial” telephone conversation took place today between the Deputy Prime Minister and General Vannacci. In any case, Salvini adheres to a line of thought now prevalent in the majority. Bignami and Donzelli of the Fratelli d’Italia (among others) took up the defense of the general, declaring that the left cannot issue “moral licenses” as to what can and cannot be written in a book. Undersecretary of Culture Vittorio Sgarbi also expressed his opinion on the case, describing the book as “common sense”, criticizing the disciplinary measure against Vannacci.
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Source: Today IT
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.