Sarkozy, Forza Italia’s reaction to the book: “Livor of a failed politician”

Predictably, the biography of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has also sparked debate in Italy, given his admission of his role in the “conspiracy” that brought down the Berlusconi government. The reactions from Forza Italia were not long in coming. Licia Ronzulli, president of the forced senators, questioned whether “Sarkozy will also have space dedicated to the legal disputes that still concern him. Instead of denigrating and offending a great leader like President Berlusconi, who today is no longer with us and cannot defend himself.”

Maurizio Gasparri, FI senator, declared: “Sarkozy pours out in his writings the envy of a failed politician, defeated in terms of consensus and on the moral plane. With these reconstructions of his, he confirms its meager value. It has eluded many, it is a resounding failure ».
To Maria Tripodi, undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, he wrote in a note: “There are leaders who go down in history, others whose names are sometimes forgotten. Mr. Sarkozy is probably in search of posthumous glory, he rewrites the events in a crude and approximate way, bordering on the insult».

The Minister of European Affairs, Raffaele Fitto, testifies to those turbulent days: «I was a minister in that government, I consider this page bad, I do not think that other governments can affect or cause the fall of a sovereign government elected by your country regardless of this is not good” Maurizio Lupi was also in that 2011 government. today these revelations obviously confirm what we said at the time”.

For Tullio Ferrante, member of Forza Italia and Undersecretary for Infrastructure, “some clarifications are necessary”. It should be clarified “that his (Berlusconi) resignation was not dictated by their far from diplomatic and elegant smiles, nor by supposed acts of persuasion exercised by them, but by a gesture of national harmony that Silvio Berlusconi was forced to make to the face of a large institutional, political, economic-financial, media bloc that, not having managed to defeat him at the polls, tried to do so with a reckless maneuver, aided by dangerous speculators with the threatening leverage of the spread, which ended up with a smaller drop in the what an honorable technical government”. .

Source: IL Tempo
