CGIL with the usual attack on the Meloni government: “Leaving the people in despair”

Rather, independently. The CGIL rejects – and it could not be otherwise – the provision illustrated by the government and which overcomes the problems that the basic income had. “Minister Marina Calderone continues to assure that there will be no social bomb, but the truth is that the government, in its ideological ardor, is leaving people alone in their despair – attacks the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Daniela Barbaresi -. summer weeks – underlines the union leader – the fury against the poor was also embodied in the truly incomparable statements of several leaders: from Minister Calderone who, in her enchanted world, does not see social alarm, to Minister Lollobrigida who proud of the ‘successes’ of the ‘Dedicated to you’ shopping card, as if a single contribution of 382 euros, less than a coffee a day, could be a sufficient answer for those in financial difficulties”.

For Barbaresi, “as of the next budget law, it is essential to strongly reinforce social infrastructures to respond to the growing and multiple needs of people in difficult and disadvantaged conditions. a universal character”. “In a country that defines itself as civilized, no one should be left alone and in particular those who find themselves in difficulties – he continues -. It is up to the Republic, as provided for in the Constitution, to be concerned with eliminating the causes of inequality and poverty, indicators of backwardness and profound social injustice. This is one of the reasons why, after a capillary campaign of assemblies in all workplaces and territories, on October 7th we will be back in Rome’s square for a large national demonstration that will indicate the main path for the implementation of the Constitution”.

Source: IL Tempo
