The Chamber agrees to draft a new health care reform text

This after the statement in this sense of the representative Julia Miranda, of New Liberalism, form a subcommittee to develop another article.

“In order to accommodate President Gustavo Petro’s proposal to establish a national agreement, we respectfully present a proposal to create a subcommittee, composed of all parties that make up the House of Representatives, which aims to reach agreement on a text the result of which will be preparation of national dialogue tables that they are open to the participation of citizens, politicians, industry associations and other interested parties; where the principles of participation, consensus and legitimacy of a project as important to the country as health care reform will be guaranteed,” the document said.

Miranda added in this regard: “We have tried to present this proposal that was unanimously accepted here in the Chamber: (…) We think that this reform is very important, that the country needs it and that if we all build it , as president to do thatWith a consensus we will achieve something very good for Colombia”.

Source: El Heraldo
