Meloni Government, something is moving in the “strong powers” of the international economy. As Adalberto Signore noted in his article published on August 31 in “Il Giornale”, in recent weeks the main European and American economic publications have raised more than a few doubts about the stability of the Italian system. Financial Times, Bloomberg, CNBC and The Economist cast shadows on the economic strategy of the Italian executive, on the long-term sustainability of our public debt, on the ability to carry out the promised reforms and to effectively use the liquidity obtained from the Pnrr.
All of this is happening at a time when the ratification of the Month is at stake, which, in November, will return to Parliament after the 4-month suspension approved by the Chamber of Deputies on the 5th of July. And above all while our executive is waging the delicate battle of amending the stability pact in Europe. With the usual opposing positions: on the one hand the sanctioning countries led by Germany and on the other those with a more “flexible” position such as Italy and Greece. However, Minister Fitto stressed on several occasions that, by the end of the current year, Italy will have received all the funding planned for 2023. We’ll see what happens…
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.