Racist statement of parliament member: “Majority of Venetians must be white”

“I want to see that the majority of Veneto citizens are white. Can I say it or not? And people think so”. Those words took a storm over Joe Formaggio, the Veneto councilor of the Brotherhood of Italy and the former mayor of Albettone. According to Corriere del Veneto’s report, racist remarks were made regarding immigrants in the “Focus” broadcast of former Northern League player Rete Veneta.

What Joe Formaggio of Fratelli d’Italia said about white Venetians

But Joe Formaggio’s explanations did not end there. The brothers Italy representative also increased the dose: “I went to the viale Milan in Vicenza today, I was the only white person. I didn’t like it and most of the people don’t like it either. We can’t.” Italy becomes the second Africa, I don’t want to see Veneto with the majority of dark-coloured citizens”.

The reaction of Giorgia Meloni’s party was immediate and he decided to take action against Formaggio. “There is no place for racism in Fdi,” Giovanni Donzelli, leader Meloni’s right-hand man and head of the Via della Scrofa organisation, told Adnkronos. “Skin color does not indicate a person’s culture or accuracy. It is incompatible with the values ​​of our society to think about evaluation or worse, to discriminate people based on skin color,” said the Fdi MP. For this reason, Donzelli says, “We will mobilize the competent authorities to analyze what Formaggio has said and get the necessary results.”

Joe Formaggio’s history

It’s not the first time Formaggio has come to the fore. In February 2023, a member of the Veneto council posted on social media some photos of himself with a machine gun in hand, as he toured the stands of the Verona hunting fair.

Then, in March, the Fdi base was suspended for five days after Northern League mate Milena Cecchetto complained of harassment. The Fratelli d’Italia National Discipline and Guarantee Commission closed the case as the story “found no evidence”.

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Source: Today IT
