New storm over Joe Formaggio, Veneto councilor of Fratelli d’Italia and former mayor of Albettone, for the sentences pronounced during the ‘Focus’ broadcast of Rete Veneta, where the former member of the Northern League, as reported by Corriere del Veneto, expressed himself thus, with regard to migrants: “I want to see the majority of Veneto citizens with white skin. Can I say this or not? And people also think so.” The IDE exponent then increased the dose: “Today I went to Viale Milano in Vicenza, I was the only white person. I didn’t like it and most people didn’t either. We can’t make Italy the second Africa , I don’t want to see Veneto with the majority of citizens of dark color».
The reaction of Giorgia Meloni’s party was immediate, which decided to take measures against Formaggio. “At IDE there is no room for racism”, words to Adnkronos by Giovanni Donzelli, Meloni leader’s right-hand man and head of the Via della Scrofa organization. “Skin color – observes the Fdi parliamentarian – does not indicate a person’s culture or correctness. Thinking about evaluating or worse, discriminating against people based on the color of their skin is incompatible with the values of our community”. For this reason, announces Donzelli, “we will activate the competent bodies to analyze what Formaggio said and to take the appropriate consequences”.
It is not the first time that Formaggio jumps to the ‘honours’ of the news. In February, the councilor from Veneto published on social networks some photos that portrayed him with a machine gun in his hand, during his tour of the stands at the hunting fair in Verona. Later, in March, the IDE exponent was suspended for five days following a complaint of harassment by fellow Liga Norte member Milena Cecchetto. The National Commission of Discipline and Guarantee of the Brethren of Italy then closed the process because the story “found no evidence”.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.