Stefano Bandecchi under investigation. The mayor of Terni, who became the protagonist of an attempted attack on an opposition councilor during a session of the Umbrian municipal council, is reportedly under investigation. The information was reported by Corriere dell’Umbria which will be on newsstands on Friday, September 1st. It would be an act due to the Mayor of Terni after the denunciation of the leaders of the Brothers in Italy. The mayor was entered in the register of suspects of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Terni in the investigation process opened into the facts that occurred in the Town Hall. In particular – as reported by Corriere dell’Umbria – in the investigation process, owned by the chief prosecutor of the Republic of Terni, Alberto Liguori, and the deputy prosecutor, Marco Stramaglia, the hypotheses of crime currently under consideration would be those of threat , insulting a public official and interruption of public service.
However, in recent days, the mayor of Terni has published a video on social media in which he specified that he had been the victim of an aggressive verbal attitude by members of the opposition in the town hall. “Not sorry, would do it again.” So said the mayor of Terni Stefano Bandecchi to Tg1, returning to the fight that took place in the Town Hall. “I didn’t listen to my threats, I suffered threats and curses for months and then I decided to throw myself at someone in the opposition, but since I didn’t get there, they stopped me while I was walking normally, I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” he continues. « I intend to continue to do so until the actions of others are democratic – he continues – For me, the education with which everyone left the Chamber is already anti-democratic, so we move on and finish. If this is democracy for others, it will remain so ” .
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.