Caivano, Meloni’s promise about the return of the state: “It will be claimed and will become a model”

It is a strong sign of hope and firmness, the one launched yesterday by Giorgia Meloni at the end of her visit to Caivano. “We came here not to limit ourselves to zealous solidarity with the innocent victims of an inhumane act, of an infamous crime that clearly shocked everyone, but to say that we intend to act and show our face. This territory will be radically recovered. I assure you that you will soon see the fruits of our activity – words of the prime minister at the end of the meeting of the provincial commission for public order and security – There must be no free zones. The Parco Verde di Caivano is not the only territory that finds itself in these conditions, the message is addressed to the many Caivanos of Italy. The objective we propose is that this place, known in the news as a place of degradation, can be known in the news as a model”. In short, the State is there, it does not abdicate its functions and is once again assuming a leadership role after what the Prime Minister did not hesitate to define as “a failure of the State and of the institutions”. It is not surprising that Meloni went to the Municipality, in the metropolitan area of ​​Naples, where the story of the sexual abuse committed against two little cousins, aged eleven and twelve, by a group of young people, accompanied by the owner of the Viminale, Matteo Piantedosi, was told. , by the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, by the head of the Department of Sport and Youth, Andrea Abodi, by the Undersecretary of the Prime Minister, Alfredo Mantovano. It is therefore necessary to move from declarations to facts, and Meloni focused on the two guidelines of an action that, in his intentions, will involve the entire government team. The first guideline “is the firmness of the State against crime, illegality and drugs”, while the second has to do with “the need to provide this territory with services that citizens expect, ask for and would like to see for a long time. The reason why the prime ministers are here today, but you will see them all, is to say that we are here to start giving precise answers today”, explained the chief executive. A strategy that means more teachers and the reopening until the spring 2024 of the now abandoned Delphinia sports center, which would have been the scene of the double violation, with an investment of ten million euros. The chief executive then announced that the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, made twelve million euros available in operation a library, a multimedia room, a reading room, which can always be located within the “Delphina” center, which then becomes a multifunctional center.” The symbolic image of the day is provided by Meloni herself, posting on Facebook a photo showing her embraced by Archbishop Maurizio Patriciello. Finally, to make the government’s intentions clear, the Prime Minister quoted Saint Augustine: “Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and perhaps you will find the set fire to the rain. That’s what we’d like to do here.”

Source: IL Tempo
