If political forces divided the country, the same cannot be said of Sergio Mattarella. According to a poll carried out by Demos for the newspaper Repubblica, the President of the Republic has reached a degree of consensus that leaves no room for imagination. Nearly 3 out of 4 Italians express “very, very confident” in him. “Very broad support. That it did not suffer significant declines after the first elections, which took place in 2015”, reads the article published in Repubblica.
In a historical period where political and social divisions are numerous, there is a figure about whom Italians have no doubts. This is Sergio Mattarella. The President of the Republic reached an unparalleled consensus: for 73% of Italians he deserves complete confidence. This support, which has almost no limits, is mainly due to the period when the Covid epidemic has brought the entire planet to its knees. Amid fear and few responses, citizens needed a reference figure with firm principles and concrete actions. Since then, Mattarella has always intervened in a timely manner on important current issues.
Confidence in Mattarella is now transversal: although it reaches the highest levels among voters of the Democratic Party and Forza Italia, also thanks to supporters of the other parties, it obtained about two thirds of the votes. Another fact that draws attention and which was rightly highlighted by Repubblica is linked to the age of the president’s supporters: among those over 65, Mattarella reaches almost 90%. Followed by those over 50 years old and then by those under 30 years old, among whom the popularity of the President of the Republic exceeds 70%.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.