The future in politics seemed obvious from the moment of her departure from Rai, but now Lucia Annunziata’s new career is really taking shape. The journalist and former presenter of Meia hora mais on Rai3, according to Corriere della Sera, will almost certainly be the leader of the southern constituency in the PD’s house, the direct choice of secretary Elly Schlein. “Annunziata is one of the profiles capable of catalyzing many preferences. The Southern constituency, essential for the democrat, is quite crowded, but if the Democratic Party reached 22-23% (in 2019 it took 22.7%) the vacancies would also be guaranteed for candidates such as the Schleinian Sandro Ruotolo and the outgoing Pina Picierno, who would reach his third term” the reconstruction of the newspaper.
Even at the Center, the directors had to be women, with the investiture of Marta Bonafoni, faithful to Schlein and coordinator of the secretariat. Laura Boldrini’s candidacy is ready at the same faculty. The second on the list, given the alternation between men and women, is a role that Nicola Zingaretti asks for himself, given that he “aspires to become the next leader of the group of democratic socialists in Brussels”. Other prominent names include Dario Nardella, the current mayor of Florence, and Camilla Laureti, who replaced David Sassoli.
Also in the Northwest, we are on the way to a leading woman: Chiara Gribaudo, Deputy Secretary of the Democratic Party who is deeply linked to Schlein. Giorgio Gori, Pierfrancesco Maran, Irene Tinagli and Brando Benifei were also on the track. The node in the Northeast needs to be resolved, with Stefano Bonaccini who has not yet taken the decision to say goodbye to the Emilia-Romagna Region (the mandate expires in 2025).
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.