Crosetto smokes Vannacci: “Heroes are created and then…”. tense situation

The comings and goings between Guido Crosetto and Roberto Vannacci continue. The last chance is the Defense Minister’s interview with La Stampa, in which there are several excerpts about the general’s work, as well as the author of the book The world upside down: “I – ​​begins the founder of Fratelli d’Italia – do I didn’t remove any, to be clear. In this case there is, on my part, something to clarify regarding military discipline, the rules of the armed forces and that is why I will receive it. To hear what he has to say to me and tell him what the Minister of Defense thinks. What I have to say to Vannacci, I will say to him. You will have seen that I kept this subject within the Ministry of Defense, I did not make manifestos or political proclamations or phone calls and I did not try to appear on television or in the newspapers to gain political space on this matter that is internal to me”.

Crosetto is asked if it is a surprise that the general is going to be a TV columnist and does not rule out candidacy. But the minister is not upset and throws a stone at the general: “No. I know the communication mechanisms. I’ve seen many characters born and die in this country, heroes are created and then destroyed.” It is in particular the League that explicitly states that it wants to nominate Vannacci: “It is part of a way of doing politics that often brings consensus. This is nothing new, we’ve named everyone and everything over the years. Mainly people who momentarily become symbols of something. By itself, appointing a general when he leaves is excellent, the choice to speak about it now – thus concludes the Crosetto coup – is part of a political strategy that I am not responsible for entering”.

Source: IL Tempo
