Elly Schlein doesn’t generate much consensus, even among Democratic Party voters. In the poll published by Libero, the first question is whether the secretary is the right person to bring the Democratic Party back into government by winning the next general election. And the answers are interesting: “Only 14% answered ‘a lot’, that is, they gave a convincing answer. Few, especially in central Italy and well educated. A few more young people; many men, very few women. A good 44% are in doubt and express themselves with ‘enough’, while the rest (42%) have little or no certainty, or even do not declare themselves”.
The other question is whether we should choose the path of opposition at all costs, following a strategy of moving ever more to the left, or whether we should choose the path of compromise to return to government. These are the results highlighted by the newspaper directed by Alessandro Sallusti: “The Democratic Party seems very divided. 46% of the electorate are in favor of being in opposition, while 36% are in favor of trying to return to government. The former tend to be younger or even more mature, with a high level of education, from the Center-South; the latter, on the contrary, in the 40-60 age group, high school studies, regions with high GDP. It is not absurd: a more economically active context seeks stability. These voters are approximately the same as those who do not want the alliance with 5 Estrelas for the next elections (47%). In addition, for half of those who vote for the DP (50%) the values and principles are very different from those of the 5 Star Movement”. Numbers that should make Schlein reflect, also on his proximity to Giuseppe Conte’s grillini.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.