Migrants, the red clothes threaten invasion. What the police union says

Migratory emergency, the red cloaks cheer for the invasion. Or at least they make it difficult to repatriate migrants who entered our territory illegally. The article written by Marco Leardi in “Il Giornale” on September 19th is dedicated to this “strange” phenomenon. In his article Leardi reports on the explosion of the police union that operates in the border areas of the Trieste region. “We practically no longer carry out readmissions in Slovenia and this is because an order from the Court of Rome declared them illegitimate – the provincial secretary of the Sap police union in Trieste explained to the newspaper – Now everything or almost everything has stopped” In other words, the rejections by of Italian authorities would have been reduced to a few dozen.

The extreme difficulty with which Italian authorities carry out rejections is not linked to Brussels bureaucracy, but was apparently caused by a court ruling dating back to 2021, when the readmission of a refugee was declared illegitimate. “The reference is to a decision by the ordinary court of Rome which, in 2021, declared the readmission of a Pakistani refugee from Italy to Slovenia illegitimate”, explains Leardi again in Il Giornale. And the 2021 sentence bears the signature of a judge close to the Democratic Judiciary.

Source: IL Tempo
