Giorgia Meloni dismantles the theorems: “The technical government? In its desires…”

The specter of the provisional government? A hypothesis that makes you “smile”. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, on the sidelines of Med9’s work in Malta, where work is being done on the European agreement on migrants, is called upon to comment on the context that foresees the return of a teaching executive if financial data worsens. “The concern” about the spread “I only see in the desires of those who imagine that a democratically elected government, which has a strong majority and which is solid and doing its job, should go home and be replaced by a government that nobody chose”, says the prime minister. The spread, that is, the difference between Italian and German treasury bonds, “is falling, obviously investors read Nadef”, the update note for the government’s economic and financial document, added Meloni. In short, “Italy is solid and growing more than France and Germany”, continued the Prime Minister. As for the chances of a provisional government, “the names of the ministers of the provisional government are already being mentioned, which makes me smile. I fear that this hope will not come true.”

At the base is an article from La Stampa in which Annalisa Cuzzocrea, deputy director of the newspaper led by Massimo Giannini, speaks of the “spectre of technical government”, because “between the frictions in Europe and the fear of the markets, there is the fear of a security cordon around Italy”. Elly Schlein, secretary of the Democratic Party, is also questioned in the article, because “the specter” “scares them both”, the Prime Minister since the first day she set foot in the Palazzo Chigi, the secretary of the Democratic Party since began to better analyze the movements of Correntone who would theoretically be born to support him”.

Source: IL Tempo
