The wide field is so wide that it leaks everywhere. Conte and Schlein don’t agree on practically anything. In addition to an a priori opposition to everything that Giorgia Meloni’s government does. Even Repubblica noticed this, as demonstrated by the article published by Repubblica on September 30th. “The leader of the 5 Star Movement responds to the secretary of the Democratic Party before entering the Nove studios, to record an interview, in which he will reiterate: «We are not part of the company» – writes Repubblica – Here then is the first response from the first- minister: “The Democratic Party’s nervousness is understandable.” Is Schlein nervous? “The Democratic Party often sins with arrogance, especially when it is incapable of dictating the line: every time the M5S takes a position and recalls the distances with the Democratic Party on issues, they respond from Nazareno that we are being tactical. But it is treason say we’re different?” asks Conte.”
In short, there are only widespread clashes on the horizon. “After the agreement on the minimum wage, the opposition marches again without a specific order – we read in Repubblica – The tones between the M5S and the Pd have become harsh again.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.