Omnibus, Tremonti sticks Draghi in the Superbonus. “Man what…”, loud slap

Frontal attack by Giulio Tremonti, president of the Chamber’s Foreign Affairs Committee and former Minister of Economy in the Berlusconi government, on Mario Draghi. Guest on the Omnibus program on La7, he responded to a question about the risk of Giorgia Meloni giving way to a government of technicians due to the increase in the spread: «I believe that if there hadn’t been a guy who wanted to go to Quirinale and that’s why he unlocked and relaunched the construction bonus, Italy would be much better off. It’s because of that choice that we don’t have enough money for healthcare, for schools, for people.”

«The big issue is public debt, public debt has grown alarmingly in recent years, it grew mainly with the super bonus in construction, a huge debt also places constraints and limits on doing finance and seeing how much of a deficit», by Tremonti’s frontal attack on former prime minister without naming him directly.

The former minister returned to the issue of the Superbonus at an event organized in Milan by the Economy Group: «What has happened in extraordinarily negative terms in the last two years is the incredible growth of public debt caused by the so-called superbonus, a product of the Good theory debt. Among others things, an enormous responsibility – he continued, alluding to Draghi – belongs to those who, to go to Quirinale, promoted the renewal of the bonus, that is, the transfer of the community’s colossal wealth to some less needy people, I didn’t see facades redone in the suburbs “.

Source: IL Tempo
