There are those who rename it the Paestum pact. It is not known whether this is a real peace or, more likely, just a truce, an “armed” one at that. The fact is that Berlusconi’s day brought Forza Italia together again, at least during the “three days” in memory of Cav. Last night, after the fireworks in the pool to close the celebration of the Italian leader’s birthday, who would have turned 87, Antonio Tajani met for dinner (in a room at the Mec hotel, not far from the Ariston, the event’s headquarters). the entire Italian General Staff (group leaders and ministers in leadership), parliamentarians and managers. “Berlusconi, unfortunately, is no longer here, everyone must do their part”, the beginning of Tajani’s greeting that invited everyone to roll up their sleeves in view of the next electoral deadlines, starting with the European elections.
“We have a responsibility and a duty to move forward and look to the future”, according to Andkronos, the FI number one would have recommended and then asked to “march together, aware of the many unknowns on the path from here to the National Congress at the end of February. The party’s management will be collegial, tomorrow we will change the statute with new rules for internal democracy”. Words that seemed more like a movement to leave behind the divisions between the currents. Among the interventions, also that of Licia Ronzulli, leader of the group in the Senate: “Events like the one in Paestum are welcome, they also serve as glue, to cement relationships as happens in the formation of teams…”.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.