Italia Viva, Rosato says enough: Renzi loses his right arm

Another desertion. A project that runs the risk of sinking. Despite important promises and great expectations. Ettore Rosato, deputy from Trieste, right-hand man of Matteo Renzi since the days of the Democratic Party, leaves Italia Viva. It is a relentless and bitter analysis that emerges from the interview given to the newspaper La Repubblica. “I’m leaving for political reasons, not personal ones. Matteo, who I met last week and again this week, also knows this very well. We talked, we hugged, but the distance in the last few months has become greater and greater. When we no longer understand each other, it is useless to continue. It’s my decision – he says, denying having been fired by the former Prime Minister himself – Renzi already expected it and in a press conference, a few hours after a meeting already scheduled between us, he declared me out. I don’t know why he did it, but it’s over now.”

Rosato, bluntly, quickly gets to the political heart of the story. In other words, that of a line no longer shared since the rupture of the Third Pole. This was the way to change Italian politics and avoid resignation to bipolarism, creating a critical mass in the center: voters in political elections believed in this and rewarded it.” The Friulian representative also spoke about his own future. “I am not signing up for Action, I continue the experience of our group, working to complete the electoral commitment. Naturally I will compare myself with Calenda and Bonetti, as at the time of the federation. At Action there are many people with whom I have excellent relationships: Gelmini, Carfagna, Costa, Richetti”.

Source: IL Tempo
