Migrants, Crosetto: Scholz blocks them in one part of Europe and eases them here

The German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, plans to close its borders and, at the same time, finance the NGOs that bring migrants to Italy with their ships flying the German flag. To underline this, throwing new fuel into the fire of the controversy between Rome and Berlin on the issue of immigration, is this time the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, who explains: “We are trying to block immigration in one part of Europe and facilitate transport oneself to another. Coherent and ingenious”. Even the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, from Paestum, headquarters of the great Forza Italia demonstration with ‘Berlusconi Day’ and the National Council, returns to the topic that has occupied the center of the political-diplomatic debate in recent days: ” There is an important problem to resolve and we want to understand what Germany’s position is, what they say is not clear”, he explains in response to a question about the position expressed by Scholz on greater border controls for the entry of migrants.

“The German Chancellor says what he wants – adds Tajani – but this is secondary immigration, we have a primary immigration problem. We must look at strategy, we must look at European solidarity. It’s an important problem to solve. We want to understand what the German position is, it is not clear what they are saying. We will evaluate, but migrants who want to go to Germany do not need to send them to Italy.” In front of the debate on the CPR, the president of the Democratic Party Stefano Bonaccini intervenes the day after the decision of a Catania judge not to allow the detention of three Tunisians in the center of Pozzallo while the landings bring Lampedusa and Sicily to their knees.

“We saw – underlines Bonaccini – the inconsistency of slogans and promises that crumble in the face of the doubling of landings, for which we do not blame the government, but which made the slogans collapse. they can put dangerous people, but they are useless because they can be put in prison. But the problem then is where to put all the non-dangerous people, now tent cities would be needed. No country, and I say this not even Italy can welcome everyone and, fortunately, President Macron has shown that he understands that solidarity cannot be undermined.”

Source: IL Tempo
