If the Democratic Justice Area meeting in Palermo could provide any indication of the relationship between Schlein and Conte, the news is that things are not going well between the two. The two attended the national congress of magistrates who, to use a euphemism, “look to the left”, but arrived at the room separately, first one and then the other. They chose the same row, but far apart, he moved all the way to the right, she to the left in front of the presidential table.
They ignore each other for two hours, only at the end they shake hands. Perhaps, especially for Schlein, Conte’s statements from previous days were too heavy when he defined the Democratic Party as a “nervous and arrogant” party that “pontificates from a restricted traffic zone” and concludes “power agreements” with the Democrats. However, their presence at the annual meeting of magistrates did not go unnoticed. For the leader of the group in the Chamber of Brothers of Italy, Tommaso Foti: «The participation of Schlein and Conte in the congress of the Democratic Area, the left-wing current of the judiciary, is at the same time indicative and contradictory. From political exponents who every day claim to constitute themselves as guardians of the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, we would expect something else, but evidently the spasmodic search for visibility that the secretaries of the Pd and M5S cultivate obsessively and compulsively.
However, their performance was something else, to forget.” Davide Faraone, deputy of Azione-Italia Viva, is also harsh. «The congress of a current of the judiciary, a left-wing current, was held in Palermo. It should already outrage us that there are currents in the Judiciary. That is, an independent power that should guarantee all citizens regardless of political affiliation, race, culture, etc. What is even more serious is that two left-wing political leaders, Elly Schlein of the Democratic Party and Giuseppe Conte from the 5-Star Movement, participated in the congress of the leftist current of the judiciary. So we are surprised that citizens no longer trust the judiciary and justice. And the newspapers? Nobody comments indignantly about what happened. At most they tell us if they they fired and how. I, on the other hand, am outraged and believe that we cannot resign ourselves to all of this”, he concludes.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.