Politicians certainly do not rank among the so-called “draining” jobs, but being the leader of the Democratic Party could easily fit into this specific type of profession. And Elly Schlein knows this well and, perhaps due to a kind of predictive ability, or perhaps because it was the undoing of the last secretaries, as soon as she took office in the most uncomfortable chair in the Nazarene, she declared war on the currents. «We no longer want to see several chiefs and caciques. No more chains!” he thundered.
It is a shame that the leader’s good intentions were not shared by other Democrats. Not only did no one give up on his chain, whether small or large, but those who didn’t have one decided to found one.
And so first Bonaccini’s “non-current” arrived, then the neo-Ulivists and finally, in chronological order, the “support current” also arrived. Dario Franceschini, Nicola Zingaretti, Dario Nardella, Marco Meloni and Francesco Boccia, by Christmas, will formalize a new chain, one more. To found it, Dario Franceschini decided to dismember Area dem, his former formation. Among Schlein’s last faithful, the explanation is that this time this current is a way of strengthening the secretary’s leadership. Perhaps forgetting the fact that it was the first to profess war on internal divisions. Although, at least for his followers, he now used the chains to strengthen his leadership; a contradiction that is too risky even for the history of the Democratic Party.
The most credible hypothesis is that this is yet another attempt by one of the party’s many areas to prepare for Schlein’s failure in the next European elections. A hypothesis that gains ground mainly due to the presence of the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella among the promoters of this new area. Many point to him as the possible heir to Elly Schlein’s seat. For now, these are just political readings, interpretations of movements that have been causing turmoil in the internal balance of the Democratic Party for months. What is certain is the secretary’s fragility, to which she certainly, at least in part, contributed by giving a clear turn to commanding the dem ship. But it is undeniable that in the Democratic Party “secretary shooting” is a timeless sport.
The base would have liked Bonaccini, perhaps better able to strike a balance between the party’s diverse souls, but voters overturned that vote, preferring a disruptive figure. Only when polls and the first electoral results did not support this choice did maneuvers begin to try to gain credibility for the post-Schlein era.
Thus, the leader’s failure became more of a hope than an eventuality, almost a foregone conclusion.
At the moment, the voter’s approval rating for the Democratic Party is 19%, more or less, which is already below the so-called “survival quota” imposed on Schlein of 20%. And no one, except the secretariat, is betting on a possible leap forward in the European elections. Schlein had promised a revolution that she could not bring about alone, but the inability to create a synthesis between the various souls forced her to create a small circle of believers which, in turn, did nothing more than exacerbate the tempers within the party. among those who complain about little representation and little dialogue. It is evident that in this vicious circle there are many who think that it is more useful to be prepared for the announced crisis than to work to strengthen leadership.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.