Catania judge likes anti-Salvini post. The truth about Yolanda Apostolic

The Catania judge takes sides against Matteo Salvini. Iolanda Apostolico is the judge whose sentence led to the release of four Tunisian migrants. But not only. A few years ago, she liked a Facebook post by her husband Massimo Mingrino, an administrative employee who also serves as a tutor at the Ministry of Justice. And this wasn’t a random post. Paolo Ferrari talks about this in his article published on October 4th in Libero. “A few weeks after the Conte government took office, in August 2018 – writes Libero – Mingrino re-releases and publishes a photo depicting some black people dancing, accompanied this time by a sober and discreet comment: «Party in the square, yes dancing, jumping, everyone together. Cheer, energy, joy. Fuck Salvini.” And then Apostolico likes it.

The circumstance did not go unnoticed by the leaders of the Chamber and Senate of the League, Riccardo Molinari and Massimiliano Romeo. The case, therefore, cannot be considered closed. «But can a judge who is supposed to be impartial like a photo in which, to say the least, the then Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is sent to hell? We await explanations”, say the two parliamentarians. We’ll see if anyone can actually give adequate explanations.

Source: IL Tempo
