There are those who speak of a conspiracy to create a provisional government. But there are also those who explain that there is no need to worry about mysterious secret and clandestine agreements because everything is already open. The director of Libero, Mario Sechi, also thinks so, who, in his editorial of October 4, lists the internal and external subjects who could act against the Meloni government. In short, the dangers that some previous governments have already had to face and that Giorgia Meloni may also be forced to face. “Your reporter smiles every time he hears the word conspiracy, because political cataclysm can only be achieved by creating certain conditions and there is no need to evoke who knows what conspiracy – writes Mario Sechi about Libero – Normally everything is widely exposed, visible, in the sunlight. You just need to know how to look around, recognize certain signs, observe from a distance how the pieces move on the chessboard. What matters is that the government is weakened, weakened, weakened, under the perpetual attack of a tropical fever that never goes away.”
Sechi then goes on to analyze the different forces on the ground that act around the executive. Among these there are, firstly, exogenous forces. “The financial markets – explains Sechi – for the impact they can have on our immense public debt. Here we must take into account not only the choices of investors who buy and sell, but also and above all of rating agencies… The war in Ukraine has repercussions that could destabilize the internal political situation throughout Europe, Italy is the first target, other countries have understood this and are blocking their borders. More immigration means more tension and problems for the Meloni government which has supported a firm Atlanticist line against Moscow’s invasion.”
Internal agents should not be underestimated. “The protest of the social centers – continues the director of Libero – the clandestine conspiracy of anarchist groups, an opposition that does not manifest itself in Parliament, operates outside the institutions. flammable ingredient, perfect for fueling the climate of tension.” Finally, “real power, the unelected and immobile power, of irresponsible bureaucracies, of high (and low) judicial powers (the judicial order in all its ramifications, including the constitutional bodies, the CSM and the Council) that have the power to dismantle the government’s program piece by piece, until it becomes an unviable project”. The government, therefore, can also be overthrown in this way.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.