Turin, repression of the anti-Meloni demonstration? Donzelli refutes yet another lie

A story light years away from the truth. Another exploitation of the left, always ready to show antipathy (if not outright hatred) for the police. Constantly on the side of social centers and antagonists. Giovanni Donzelli, deputy and national head of the organization Fratelli d’Italia, published a video on his Facebook page. Show, through images of the clashes in Turin, how the truth is far from that professed by the progressive universe. No aggression, no gratuitous violence against peaceful students.

“As you have seen in these last few hours, the entire left-wing circle, the rooms, the commentators, some journalists, the Democratic Party parliamentarians, the left-wing television stations, are all crying for these poor, good students, these shamefully beaten boys by the authorities while, poor things, they were just peacefully contesting Meloni. It really wasn’t like that.” The Fdi representative shows some images, also published by our portal. From there we can clearly see that it is not the police who beat, but rather the protesters who provoke, attack and offend. “’Fascist police, you are first on the list.’ Between the usual father’s boys from social centers who attack and threaten the police and the boys in uniform who defend Italian citizens every day, I have no doubt which side I’m on.”

Source: IL Tempo
