Renzian’s “little monster” targeted Ettore Rosato: “They insult me, but I don’t deny anything”

“Someone who called loudly for internal democracy left as soon as the possibility of a debate on content arose, which is a shame: but I am excited by the idea that many more have arrived and are coming than those who left. Let’s build a community where we can debate and vote if there are different ideas. Hooray Politics that dialogues and does not evade.” The words belong to Matteo Renzi and the “fugitive” he is talking about is Ettore Rosato, who recently left Italia Viva. This farewell was perhaps more painful than the others, because the MP was one of the men closest to the former prime minister since the first Leopolde.

His is just the last of many farewells, a heavy farewell. Among many of those who left him, there are those who say Renzi has changed a lot over the years, in a negative way of course…

“Of course, no one changes. I do not want to make a positive or negative judgment about Matteo. We have shared many struggles, today I do not agree with the approach he gave to both of them in terms of breaking the third pole and the path he drew: I think being in the center means being dialogue makers and alliance makers. Our task, especially at this historical moment and with this Government, must be to try to help the country take steps forward, but that will happen if common solutions are found and divisions are not fueled. We see a very effective opposition on the left, very divisive forces within the majority on the right, at the risk of being dragged into a quagmire. We are facing each other. I reiterate once again that I do not deny anything I have done and my support for Matto: we parted ways, but there will be no negative note from me, even if I continue to be insulted on social media with such violence that even the five stars of the golden times managed to get away… ”.

So there’s the “little monster” who he says will be subjected to a shitstorm from some of his colleagues if they “allow” him to criticize Renzi…

“I play the silent victim, I don’t like to complain. I just say I don’t like it when others are targeted like that, I don’t look at them because they are mine anymore. But the Problem exists, go see what’s on my social media profile to find out.”

In another interview, he said that the center is not about beating everyone left and right, but about finding mediation solutions between the parties. Imagine a center where, in effect, the “scales are balanced.” Isn’t that a bit small for a political field that once encompassed almost the entire scale?

“History does not repeat itself. The electoral system that existed in the First Republic was a proportional system: today all of this no longer exists, but we need to find a model that can express the millions of Italians who need to be secured by a Government that is not only in the interests of a section of the electorate “It can also serve the interests of the country.”

The problem is that translators are also needed: Renzi and Calenda go their separate ways, after Berlusconi Forza Italia is a mysterious object.

“There can certainly be reliable and valid interlocutors in Forza Italia, but I also think of the ‘moderate’ League of Zaia and Fedriga and Guerini in the Democratic Party: they are people who can easily stay together and cooperate in the same way. “This bipolarity needs to be broken with an effective and representative political proposal, even if it is a coalition and the same party tomorrow.”

You will agree with me that the present hypothesis is very far from reality.

“Absolutely. I don’t see it in this legislature and I don’t know if it will happen. In fact: I see strong pressures even in constitutional reforms, from the idea of ​​the “mayor of Italy” to the presidential system. Anything to strengthen the current bipolarity is less than the reconstruction of an area that puts aside extremism”.

Did someone from the Police Department call you and say “come home”?

“Someone did it kindly, but this is no longer my home. The PD today performs another function, that of representing the left from a more radical point of view: a legitimate function, what is certain is that their alliance and the 5 Star Movement will never will not be able to form a Government.”

But they had formed a government and you overthrew it…

“When that happened, there was a fundamental reformist pillar that would hold this kind of alliance together. The decision to pull the plug was the right one. And then Draghi came, the best prime minister we could have had.”

Let’s talk about Giorgia Meloni.

“He is making a serious and, in my view, credible effort, but he is held hostage by a constant election campaign among the majority forces, by exaggerated election promises made during the election campaign, but above all by those made during the election campaign. Where everything is simple and, above all, there is no responsibility years of opposition. Now the responsibilities have arrived: no naval blockade, no mass rejection of immigrants, no easy financing. There is government fatigue. It is clear that we need to rewrite the priority, the first one is definitely health, because investing in health also means savings: for oncological screenings “The incredible waiting lists that exist even cost both human lives and subsequent healthcare. Then there is investing in our policy of cooperation with Africa.”

Renzi says he will vote immediately if Meloni brings career sharing to parliament.

“I wish he had brought it, I would have voted for him too, but I’m afraid he will never come. Minister Nordio is working well, but he can work faster.”

Source: Today IT
