Green light from the CNEL assembly to the document, already approved by the Information Committee with CGIL’s no and UIL’s abstention, relating to the first phase of investigation into poor work and the minimum wage dedicated to the classification and analysis of the topic. The second part of the Commission’s work will also soon reach the Assembly, the one dedicated to the proposals, which will be delivered to the councilors by October 6th so that the Assembly can discuss the global and final document on October 12th.
To outline the minimum wage roadmap, a note from the CNEL that gathered its Assembly opened with a minute of silence dedicated to the victims of the accident that occurred last night in Mestre, as well as a message of condolences and a hug to the entire community of Venice- Master expressed by President Renato Brunetta and shared with all members of Parliament. «In the presence of almost all councilors, the document relating to the results of the first phase of technical investigation into poor work and the minimum wage, previously approved by the Information Committee with the sole vote against by CGIL and the abstention by Uil. The Assembly took positive note of the work carried out by the Commission to date and the document thus produced, which will be included in the final text”, reads the note.
«The process that led to the preparation of the document has its premises in European Directive 2022/2041. In line with requests expressed at European level, on July 11th the CNEL presented a memorandum on disabled work and the minimum wage to the Chamber of Deputies, which was unanimously approved. The following month, on August 11, the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, instructed the CNEL to prepare an analysis and proposal document on the topic within 60 days”, continues the CNEL. «CNEL immediately began investigative work both with its own offices and through a series of hearings with external bodies. The results of this work were delivered to the Information Committee of the XI Council, which took office on September 22nd. The Information Committee, which met several times in recent days, produced the first part of the document requested by the Prime Minister, the one dedicated to the framing and analysis of the topic. The second part follows, dedicated to the proposals, which will be delivered to councilors by October 6th. The global and final document will be discussed in the Assembly in the session on October 12th”, he concludes. «Although it is just a technical investigation, the document closes the door on the minimum wage in favor of an extension of the CCNL» commented economist Andrea Garnero.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.