As expected, CNEL, led by Renato Brunetta, rejects the minimum wage. Working poverty in Italy “is a phenomenon that goes beyond the issue of wages” and is caused by “working hours and family structure”, according to the Information Commission’s analysis presented ahead of the proposals, which are expected to be received by October 12.
Causes of cnel
Cnel stated that, as a result of comparing the contract rates with the legal rates according to the parameters required by the EU directive, a figure of 50% of the average salary and 60% of the average salary will be obtained; In support of the thesis, Istat puts the first estimate at 7.10 euros and the second at 6.85 euros. The document states that collective bargaining coverage is “close to 100 percent and certainly higher than the 80 percent required by the EU minimum wage directive.” In short, according to CNEL there are poor workers, but their status depends on contractual agreements, not on how much they are paid per hour (in many cases, they work part-time, as is clear from the XXII INPS Annual Report). In short, the board chaired by Brunetta largely supports the reasons of those who oppose the minimum wage and, in fact, offers clear assistance to the Meloni Government. The report was approved by parliament, with CGIL voting against it and UIL abstaining.
Patuanelli (M5S): “It’s easy to ask friends for ideas”
The opposition’s reactions are clear and aggressive, as is the view of the CNEL: “Coincidentally, the CNEL, led by Brunetta, who had already expressed himself in the Draghi government and effectively blocked our minimum wage proposal, rejected what could have been a law. Let’s say that this is the case of the Meloni government to its friends or friends.” “This is the end of another comedy in which people are asked for their opinions after placing them in more or less prestigious places.” So Stefano Patuanelli, group leader of the 5 Star Movement in Palazzo Madama, on his Facebook page.
“The picture that returns is one of a slow but inexorable recovery, with the country’s growth returning to zero and wages failing to keep pace with inflation,” the M5S senator said. From a social perspective, it is clear that this is the way things are. As everyone knows, the situation is even worse in terms of productive activities: after abolishing the Superbonus and Transition 4.0, the government saw fit to replace these measures with new ones, which did nothing to contribute to economic growth.Yesterday, the Minister of Economy said: act for the sake of the patient, even if it is painful that they acted like a doctor who does “Within a year we can definitely say that the surgery was successful, but the patient Italy is dying”.
“No surprises,” adds Chamber colleague Davide Aiello, a member of the Labor Committee, but just the usual, chilling predictability. Brunetta, the former theater minister parked at Cnel, whom the right once considered a useless body, caused a stir. With its structure, it revealed a ‘report’ specifically prepared to address Meloni’s true intention, namely to eliminate the legal minimum wage. This explains why the pantomime organized by Meloni was completed by the fake meeting with the opposition last August. As of today, there is nothing new. “It is clear to Italians that the prime minister in Italy, the only OECD country where average wages have fallen in real terms over the last 30 years, has no interest in the issue of labor poverty.”
PD’s attack: “This is taking over the management of CNEL”
Even in the Nazarene district, no one seems surprised by the report; The party, led by Elly Schlein, is preparing to take the fight to the halls of Parliament. MP Rachele Scarpa explains: “There’s not much to say on the merits of the document: it uses data going back to 2019 to argue that a minimum wage is not necessary. Before Covid, before the war in Ukraine, before inflation. But regardless, wages were falling After 30 years. Much, if not everything, has changed since 2019: If the Right cannot do this, Italians who experience the contraction every day realize this. Their purchasing power and those who continue to sign our collection of signatures in these hours to demand the passage of the opposition bill into law. This document is an escape , the diversion is like a real grab for Cnel.”
Debora Serracchiani also says: “Working poverty is a real and urgent problem. The minimum wage is useful for the Supreme Court, useful for the OECD. It exists in almost all EU countries. It is a trap for the government. You say? Italians first? Maybe we heard wrong.” Sandro Ruotolo echoes him: “The negative view of a Brunetta-branded CNEL on the minimum wage was clear. The measure in question is beneficial everywhere for the OECD. The fact is that from October 17 we will discuss the only measure in Parliament. The concrete measure of this is as follows : minimum wage of 9 euros per hour.”
Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.