Apostolic Case, minister Giuseppe Valditara intervenes

The video of judge Iolanda Apostolico speaking out against Salvini for blocking migrants on the Diciotti ship in the summer of 2018 generated an uproar. From the left, they defend the judge, appealing to the need to separate public and private life. But they forget that our legal system provides that a magistrate must not only be independent, but must also appear as such.

«Certain comments are surprising which, in relation to the Apostolic case, speak of the irrelevance of the “private life” of a magistrate – declares the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara – They are surprising due to the evident lack of knowledge of the fundamental principles of our legal system, stated both during the debate in Constituent Assembly, is reaffirmed by important sentences from the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights itself. These principles – adds the minister – can be summarized in the maxim according to which a magistrate has the obligation not only to be, but also to appear independent. Not to mention that participation in the political debate is not “private life”, but “public life”.

Source: IL Tempo
