Marco Travaglio and Il Fatto Quotidiano were condemned for repeatedly slandering Matteo Renzi using “offensive names such as tyrant, ducetto, yazzaro”. “A real smear campaign” states the sentence “of extraordinary seriousness, for which a compensation penalty of over 50,000.00 euros is foreseen.” This is the result of the complaint filed by Renzi against the journalist Fatto Quotidiano’s manager.
In 14 articles in the newspaper that caught the attention of the judges, Renzi was also called “soft, helpless, human case, mythomaniac, pervert, barnacle, criminal”. According to the judge of the second civil division of the Florence court, the smear campaign “can only be attributed to the defendants Marco Travaglio and the publishing company il Fatto SpA, jointly and severally, since this time too it is not directed against the individual authors of the articles, but against the editorial line of the newspaper”.
Renzi: “The worker is condemned, he must pay me 80 thousand euros”
Senator Matteo Renzi, leader of Italia Viva, told reporters ahead of the continuation of the preliminary hearing on the Open investigation in the Florence court: “Time is a gentleman. You just need to know how to wait, as I always tell you. This morning Marco Travaglio filed against me 80,000 euros in compensation.” He was sentenced to pay over 100,000 in compensation. Next week the prosecutor Luca Turco was summoned by the CSM. One step at a time is being taken and things are moving in the right direction. You will see that whoever is right will be recognized sooner or later. But how much effort, how many hearings, how much citizens’ money It’s being thrown away!”. The former Prime Minister demanded compensation of 2 million euros.
Then the attack: “For years I suffered in silence, making mistakes,” Renzi added. Today’s sentence does not erase the pain of the past, but it poses a question to those working in the field of communication: How could a serial slanderer with a record collection do this? Do the number of convictions continue to moralize others on television every day? Mystery”.
However, regarding the Open investigation in which the Italia Viva senator is accused, Renzi said: “There is no this hearing, but the prosecutor insists. Another hearing is set for November 10 and I wonder: How much will this cost the taxpayers?” Is this constant postponement, this constant judgment nothing? Everyone knows this: There is no possibility of this case progressing, because the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court have already discussed it. The Florence prosecutor’s office is using resources in this trial, going to something else. “
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Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.