Salvini’s exposure to the Apostolic Judge does not belong to a civilian state
Can a minister or a deputy prime minister plunder a representative of another state just for political propaganda? This is what we must ask ourselves in these hours, after Matteo Salvini published on his social profiles a video from five years ago, hidden by who knows who and obtained by who knows how, to attack the judge Iolanda Apostolico. The arrest of four immigrants from Tunisia in Pozzallo CPR annulled the effects of the Government’s latest decree on immigration.
disturbing video
In the video published by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Apostolico passes between the police and a group of protesters demanding the disembarkation of 177 immigrants stranded in the middle of the sea on the Diciotti ship in August 2028. The demonstration for propaganda purposes led to Salvini, then Interior Minister of the first Conte Government, facing charges of aggravated kidnapping.
The publication of the video, which aims to cast doubt on the impartiality of the judge of the Catania Court (who in the past criticized the leader of the Union on his Facebook profile), brings to mind a real “dossier” study carried out to delegitimize. and offer support to the CSM (who is hegemonized by the right, in which case it can also count on the support of the Renzian minority) for subsequent disciplinary proceedings, which will most likely decide on the formal transfer of the magistrate.
It should not be forgotten that at that demonstration, representatives of associations, political organizations and ordinary citizens demanded that the then minister put an end to this “cruel game” by removing these men, women and children from the Coast Guard ship. It is a demonstration in which harsh words are thrown at the police from some groups, in which it is perfectly legitimate to ask whether the presence of a judge specifically dealing with immigration is appropriate, but it should not be used in any way. to judge their work.
public and private
And the parallel drawn by Fratelli d’Italia senator Raffaele Speranzon compares a “peek through the keyhole” into the judge’s private life (in an attempt to find something compromised) with what happened to former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. According to Speranzon, if MPs who submitted a parliamentary question asked Interior Minister Piantedosi where the video his colleague shared on social media came from, it would apply double standards in the distinction between the public and private life of an institution representative. . Maybe the senator doesn’t quite remember what was seen in the other keyhole.
But what is worrying is the way, once again, politician Salvini is using his power, including his media power, to attack a person or a group of people. It has already happened in the past when very young girls and even a dyslexic boy were criticized on the social networks of the “monster” and were subjected to insults and threats from fans of the “captain” with the risk of being recognized and suffering. Violence, even in real life.
There are at least two aggravating circumstances in this case: firstly, the person being subdued is a representative of the judicial authority, and secondly, a video that could be forwarded to the Minister was used for this. by a representative of the police force. What is happening in Putin’s Russia, a leader whom Salvini has repeatedly praised, is what should not happen in a civilized country, where the actions of a judge should be subject only to the decision of competent bodies, without the intervention of other powers and without any interference. We are suffering from media plunder.
Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.