Landini is the leader of the left. CGIL in procession against reforms

Yes to welcoming migrants, defined as the new “resistance”, no to differentiated autonomy and Calderoli’s presidentialism, to the end of the war in Ukraine, and above all to the defense of the Constitution, considered the “Main Route”, as the official statement states the slogan. In the CGIL march that invaded and paralyzed Rome, there was everything. A little PD (open arms to immigrants), a pinch of 5 Stars (there are no more guns in Kiev) and a general hint of left: no “ifs” or “buts” to government reforms. And the defense of work? Of course, that’s there too, but it feels almost hidden, like you can’t help but mention it. Because it is objectively difficult to protest the lack of jobs. The unemployment rate, according to the latest Istat data from the beginning of October updated in August, reached a historic low in 14 years: 7.3%. However, the CGIL is the same union that in recent months also protested when the government decided to further reduce the tax burden, putting up to one hundred euros more in the pockets of employees. Yesterday’s demonstration gives the tangible feeling that it was not so much the CGIL that took to the streets, but rather Maurizio Landini’s party, which is getting involved in total politics, replacing the parties themselves.

Elly Schlein knows this very well and immediately joined the movement. The Democratic Party secretary presents herself alongside Susanna Camusso (former union secretary and now Democratic senator), sings Bella Ciao in chorus, affectionately greets Sergio Cofferati (also former CGIL number one who recently returned to the Democratic Party) and kisses and hugs Landini below on the stage in Piazza San Giovanni. «Here is an Italy that fights for wages, for public health, for the industrial policies that are missing. I am very happy to be here, the Democratic Party is here and we thank CGIL and all the other associations that gave us this beautiful day of hope”, says Schlein. Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli also want to appear, there is also a delegation from the 5 Star Movement (Giuseppe Conte is in Foggia). All in the court of the union party, which dictates the line to the opposition. «We are not here to protest, we are here to change the situation. All of us who are here today, so many, must say something precise, we must all make a precise commitment together: today the fight for the application of the Constitution begins and that means fighting territory by territory, place by place, where to practice fundamental rights”, thunders Landini from the stage. He promises to fight against precarious work and asks for the minimum wage, but then moves on to foreign policy, like a true party secretary: «He cannot be the only one, since the beginning of the war, who has sought the path of diplomacy has been the Pope. Defending the self-determination of peoples, including the Palestinians, means building peace and not war.” Words that fall just hours after the massive attack against Israel.

Then Landini assumes Conte’s disguise: «The real danger is that military spending will increase throughout the world, nothing but peace. But those who work pay for the war, both with bombs and the worsening of their conditions.” The geopolitical analysis continues: «After the outbreak of war in Ukraine, inflation and speculation began. War leads to war and it is the citizens who lose – he explains to the protesters -. This is why we condemn Hamas’ attack on Israel. But we need the will on the part of political bodies to reopen negotiations. Spending on weapons, especially nuclear weapons, is increasing. We must stop the arms race. It is a topic that needs to be raised again because without peace there are no rights for those who work. And it is the workers who pay for the war.”

Source: IL Tempo
