One video after another, denying the accusation of an alleged dossier against judge Iolanda Apostolico. After the one published by Matteo Salvini and another filmed by Lapresse, here comes a third video with images of the judge of the Court of Catania, who together with her husband, Massimo Mingrino, an employee of the same Sicilian structure, participates in the protest against the non-disembarkation of immigrants aboard the ship Diciotti. The League’s social networks published the images, accompanying what was seen with a clear message: “Catânia, a couple who work at the court supports the extreme left in front of the police”. In the video it is possible to notice the presence of Apostolico while the slogan “We are all anti-fascists” is chanted several times in front of the police.
Now it seems difficult to accuse anyone of having ingeniously produced videos about the apostolic case. And already last night the League had used very harsh tones: “LaPresse’s exclusive video is shocking and sweeps away the ridiculous official defenses and the comical attempts to divert attention from an evident and very serious fact, a judge in the streets against the police . In the new images, Dr. Apostolico does not defend insulted women and men in uniform, she raises her voice and her arm, remains silent in the face of screams and unspeakable words. We ask ourselves what still needs to happen for all institutions, unanimously and quickly, to intervene in the face of this obscene page of our democracy. Resignation, immediate.” The case of the judge who denied the government decree on migrants is far from over.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.