The Democratic Party of Florence turns to Giani as mayor: “Against Schmidt…”. Schlein frost

The fear of losing the last red fort and falling into oblivion about the politics that matter is ninety. Our newspaper anticipated this twenty days ago. Today local newspapers relaunched the rumor that the Democratic Party is trying to convince Eugenio Giani, current governor of the Tuscany region, to run for mayor of Florence in the upcoming spring elections. The reasons for such a sensational decision are very clear: Giani is a good, honest and much loved person on the banks of the Arno. A choice to which Italia Viva could also converge. Because the former socialist has always been very close to Matteo Renzi. And here, paradoxically, the first and enormous problem arises. Linked to the wishes of secretary Elly Schlein who, according to some internal sources, would like to present herself to the Florentines in coalition with the Five Star Movement and some civic lists, but without IV.

“Giani has not even completed his first term at Palazzo del Pegaso – a local leader of the Democratic Party tells us – If the Florence operation, unfortunately, went wrong, the following year the right would easily take control of the region as well.” On the contrary , among those who support Giani as a candidate for Palazzo Vecchio, there are those who remember how the former sports councilor, with his culture and his dialectics, would be the only one capable of resisting the comparison with Eike Schmidt. Because, despite the rumors that circulated this week about meetings between the center-right and some important representatives of civil society (the journalist Gabriele Canè and the doctor Nicola Mondaini), the moderates have already decided (in addition to the obvious precautions in the case): it will be the director of the Uffizi, the man who will try to wrest Florence from the left. “We have the possibility of appointing a strong, intelligent and brilliant representative. Who will bring a huge amount of investors from all corners of the world”, reminds us a representative of the Tuscan center-right.

That the climate has changed profoundly, even in Tuscany, is demonstrated by Giovanni Donzelli’s walk this morning. The national manager of the Fdi organization visited, together with the provincial president of the party led by Giorgia Meloni, Claudio Gemelli, the Scandicci fair, an important center just a few steps from Florence. Strong ultra progressive. No whistling, no moments of tension, just greetings, handshakes, selfies and lots of compliments. Yes, the climate has really changed.

Source: IL Tempo
