Pd-CGIL, the red axis puts Conte in a corner: he is increasingly isolated

There were already signs that the relationship between Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte was fraying, but after this weekend of demonstrations this became even clearer. Schlein and the Democratic Party consolidate the axis with Maurizio Landini’s CGIL on Saturday in Piazza San Giovanni, Conte responds by trying to make his own the “signing day” on Sunday on the minimum wage that was originally conceived together with the Democrats. «Did we discuss with the Democratic Party about Rai? It is the Democratic Party that sometimes argues with itself.” Giuseppe Conte, leader of the 5 Stars, committed to the “Signing Day” of the minimum wage, addresses the “broad field” issue when he speaks to journalists. “Don’t talk to me about the broad field . We have the ambition, as a 5 Star Movement, to widen the field, but based on the growing consensus that Italians demonstrate regarding our proposals, and not through the creation of an electoral cartel with many different political forces that create a fragmented field and uncontrollable. Long shot is a journalistic formula that gives me hives. We are in favor of a “fair” playing field.

The five-star leader went to San Giovanni Rotondo in the morning and then moved to Naples for lunch, and then to Rome, Testaccio district, in the late afternoon. And it was in Testaccio that a curious exchange took place between Conte and a girl. «You are studying now, you will study, you will grow and then I hope you find a good job – said the former prime minister -. But in Italy there is a risk of being forced to work a lot for very little money. Imagine there is someone here who earns 3-4 euros per hour. We say that the minimum wage for those who work should be 9 euros per hour. This battle we are fighting, we are doing it for you,” Conte explained to little Vittoria, a third-grade girl who was in the square with her parents. Then the attack on the Meloni government. «The Italians have already tightened their belts. They have reached the last hole in their belt, there is nothing left to pull, there is only one government that must absolutely work to solve the problems and make fewer commercials.”

The M5S leader also wanted to focus on the CNEL report that effectively rejected the minimum wage. «Let’s not let ourselves be fooled by this government, by the nonsense they do and by the backlashes with Brunetta’s CNEL. It is clear that they have no intention of joining and introducing the legal minimum wage, a measure of civility, which is also in the Constitution. Article 36 gives all workers, and there are 3,600,000 low-paid workers, the right to fair pay for themselves and their families.” The wide field, even with the European Championships coming up, can wait.

Source: IL Tempo
