Vajont tragedy 60 years ago, Mattarella: “Man’s heavy responsibilities”

60 years have passed since October 9, 1963, which will always be remembered in our country’s calendar as the day when it will be remembered that man’s hand on nature can often lead to unimaginable disasters. At 22.39 that evening, 270 cubic meters of rock from Mount Toc collapsed and spilled into the basin of the large dam, and a huge wave broke over the banks of the dam and hit the town of Longarone and part of Erto. 1920 people lost their lives in the disaster.

Mattarella’s memory

President Sergio Mattarella, who was in the disaster area this morning on Memorial Day, recalled these terrible facts, which were also influenced by the serious errors of judgment of the technicians monitoring the small landslides in the region. It’s been a part of the mountain for years. In his speech he said: “The tragedy that has occurred here carries the weight of serious choices and heavy human responsibilities, which were condemned by careful people even before the disaster occurred. Man’s interaction with nature is part of the evolution of nature, because man is part of nature, but should not be its enemy. This , is not just an issue of an ecological nature. Pope Francis also reminded us of this in his recent exhortation. Yes, it is about knowing how to pay attention and knowing how to manage with foresight the imbalances that challenge and question humanity itself and its destiny”.

The Head of State then reiterated his desire to leave documents of the trial, which was celebrated at that time, at the site: “Today it has a commemorative purpose, and what belongs to memory must be preserved near the place where the tragedy occurred. To honor the victims and receive warning from them in order to avoid new tragedies,” he explained.

Mattarella then updated the topic and addressed the issue of maintaining the area, which is very important to him. “The landslide or destruction of an environment, a piece of land, or many people. The cancellation of life. These are torments that still disturb and question the conscience. Ensuring security conditions and assurance of justice – as required by good governance – continues to be a current and necessary goal in our society “Because taking care of the environment and respecting it is the guarantee of life. Avoiding attitudes of indifference, arrogance, and superiority over nature’s signals. This is a high price,” he concluded.

Fedriga: “This was man’s sinister interest in bending nature”

The intervention of Massimiliano Fedriga, president of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, was very harsh and in one paragraph he pointed out the serious responsibilities of those who were supposed to prevent the disaster: “Despite full knowledge that it was about to happen – He recalled: Populations were not evacuated. A disaster that the scientific community is still working on. What survived but was built.” A dam that should not have been built. It has been described as a disaster, a tragedy, but it is an example of the evil interest of ‘man who wants to bend nature’.

M5S: “Let the memory of the tragedy be a light against overbuilding”

“Overbuilding and upheavals to which nature is increasingly subjected have always brought high costs. Added to this are the effects of ongoing climate changes, which do nothing but worsen already critical situations. We need to recover from this enormous tragedy. We have learned the lesson, risk reduction instead, “We have always been able to continue on the path of wild development, doing very little in terms of prevention and safety. Unfortunately, even today there are always too many cases of overbuilding, which shows that after 60 years: this doctrine is not fully understood.” That is why the deputies and senators of the 5 Star Movement are on a common note.

Morassut (PD), “A tragedy that is still relevant”

Democratic Party deputy Roberto Morassut says that “the landslide on Mount Toc was foreseen and it was known that it would happen. Some workers saw the landslide from the dam railing because they knew it was coming and they were ready.” Errors in geological assessment were fatal. But the dam project was more than thirty years old. Even today, Italy still lacks an effective hydrogeological risk prevention system, despite having the resources and tools. It is necessary to invest in qualified and expert personnel. in municipalities and regional bodies. Support district officials in their planning efforts. “Instead, the Government reduces resources dedicated to defending land and hydrogeological risk in Pnrr.”

Source: Today IT
