Swg Research, Mentana announces who goes up and who goes down

Who goes up and who goes down in the polls. Enrico Mentana talks about this in his news on October 9th. The director announces the parties that, in the last week, had the greatest growth and decline. Small setback for the prime minister’s party. Fratelli d’Italia lost 0.4%, going from 29.1% to 28.7%. Another setback involves Giuseppe Conte’s M5S which loses 0.2% and falls to 16.5%. On the other hand, however, the Democratic Party rose 0.3%, going from 19.5% to 19.8%.

Among the political formations that gain the most is, however, Matteo Salvini’s League, able to gain 0.5% and go from 9.8% to 10.3%. In short, it seems that the apostolic effect benefited Salvini above all. The judge’s participation in the 2018 anti-Salvini mobilization backfired like a boomerang against the left.

Source: IL Tempo
