Israel, the left makes itself known again: ambiguity about Hamas in Florence

An obvious ambiguity on a topic that is as delicate as it is important. In which, on the contrary, you need to be playful, rational and understand whose side you are on. A new controversy has erupted in Florence over the position of the majority that governs the city and in relation to Hamas’ bloody attack on Israel. “In his speech today at the City Council, President Luca Milani focused on the dramatic hours that Israel is experiencing due to the unprecedented attack by Hamas – said the Vice-President of the Council, Emanuele Cocollini -. Vague and vain words of solidarity, not a single word of condemnation for the ferocity of the attacks by Islamic militiamen. Not even the dignity of a minute of silence was granted to the victims. We consider this extremely serious. We want to remind Milani, the entire Council and the Florentines that a new war has begun on Europe’s doorstep. Hamas’ genocidal plan has begun. Jews killed, kidnapped, deported, house by house. Dead as passers-by in the street, children, elderly people, women captured as hostages, amid unprecedented waves of missiles, occupied kibbutzim, mass exodus – added the representative of the Centro group -, pure Nazism in action, troglodyte murderers, an inhumane concentration of unlimited and furious anti-Semitic hatred. Hamas fostered and financed by the totalitarian regime in Iran, with the complicity of Hezbollah, the jihadists, and Syria. Infernal demons released, bearers of an Islamic ideology of death and slavery. It is, therefore, important to reiterate that Israel has the full and legitimate right to exist and to defend itself with all the means at its disposal to guarantee the safety and return home of its citizens taken hostage. And in this war, Israel deserves our unconditional support to restore peace in a territory tormented by Islamic fanaticism and anti-Semitic hatred.”

Strong criticism of President Milani (belonging to the Democratic Party) also came from the leader of the Forza Italia group, Mario Razzanelli. “I requested that each group leader could give their own speech about the very serious situation created by Hamas’ attack on Israel. They told me no. We don’t agree on the reasons: many, many times, the assembly deals with the most that have nothing to do with people’s real problems, and today, when due to this new war there is a risk of a mass exodus to Europe, we cannot express an opinion? Absurd”.

Source: IL Tempo
