The image of a mountain on which the silhouette of Adolf Hitler published on Facebook cost Francesco Attolini the immediate revocation of his position as Commissioner of the Brothers of Italy in Samarate. In fact, after the position, which was then eliminated, was stigmatized by the Democratic Party, the provincial coordinator of the Varese party, Andrea Pellicini, announced the dismissal of Attolini, who in addition to being a member of Busto Arsizio’s FdI is the only director of Agesp Power.
«I can only dissociate Fratelli d’Italia from the image published today by Francesco Attolini on Facebook. For those involved in politics, there is no room for acts of this type, even if they do things in a joking or superficial tone. For this reason, after listening to him, I removed Attolini from his position as FDI Commissioner in Samarate. I’m very sorry because Francesco was working well and with a lot of commitment in the area. He would soon bring the local party to a conference. In these cases, however, the Fratelli d’Italia is adamant and anyone who makes a mistake must be detained immediately. Attolini will then explain the reasons for its publication also in the competent bodies of our party”, message from Pellicini. Thus, Giorgia Meloni’s party immediately closed the case.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.