Turning point in the legacy of the founder of Forza Italia. A new will from Silvio Berlusconi appears. The special will, which would have been signed by Cav in Colombia, “was deposited with an Italian notary in the notary district of Naples on October 3, giving it full validity under Italian law”, explains lawyer Erich in a note Grimaldi dated Bar Association of Naples, as lawyer and attorney general of the Turin legate in Colombia, Marco Di Nunzio. Grimaldi also admits to having “adopted, after publication, in accordance with the law, to formalize a warning, in relation to the aforementioned legacies, to the registered residences of each of the five children of the Knight’s family, requesting immediate entry into possession of the assets”.
But that is not all. The lawyer adds that “the will, which was also noted by the Chancellery of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, in fact, contains indications according to which the legatee, Mr. Marco Di Nunzio, would be entitled to a part of the Knight’s inheritance or 2% of Fininvest shares, 26 million euros, 100% of the shares of the companies that own the villages of Antigua in the Antilles, the ship Principessa Vai Vai Bandiera Monaco Yacht and all boats, ships and vessels”.
“The Colombian notarial document, stipulated on September 21, 2021 at the notary office of Jimenez Najera Margarita Rosa in Bairro Espinal, Colombia, has therefore become valid in all aspects and must be officially considered and mandatorily included in the succession practice of Silvio Berlusconi. once notification has occurred, the testamentary legacies will certainly be subjected to scrutiny by the Cavaliere family, the notary Roveda and the management committee of the company Fininvest itself, also taking into account the 2 percent of the shares of the company in question listed on the stock exchange, attributed to him by Berlusconi in his will”, continues lawyer Grimaldi.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.