By the afternoon, after a day of heated mediation attempts by the group’s leaders, the possibility of all forces in parliament passing a single proposal supporting Israel and condemning Hamas’ terrorist attacks had vanished. In the morning, the parties appeared to have agreed on a common outline, but as the hours passed, divisions emerged. An insurmountable obstacle, the sore point of economic aid to Gaza: blocking it would be a serious mistake for the centre-left (and a gift for Hamas terrorists), while the right wing is pushing the executive to cut off all funding “to finance terrorist attacks and incite hatred against Israel” through institutional channels, international organizations or private individuals.” It’s a rather vague and certainly weak formulation, given that there is no direct funding to Hamas or other terrorist organisations.
To each their own way
At the end of the fair, the assembly of Montecitorio approved four motions, one from the majority and three from the opposition; The motions were split into two due to the amendment: one was presented by the Democratic Party, 5 Star Movement and Green Left Alliance, and one was presented by the Democratic Party, 5 Star Movement and Green Left Alliance. Azione – one from Italia Viva and Più Europa. The government expressed a positive opinion on all the texts, but with some notes: in the text submitted by the centre-right, a part was removed that demanded the protection of the civilian population “to the maximum extent possible”. Article 5 of the PD, M5S and AVS entry was removed: “The peace process has been plunged into a serious crisis in recent years due to unilateral initiatives by both sides, such as constant missile attacks from Gaza and the expansion of settler settlements in the West Bank by the ruling Israeli government directly and indirectly supported.”
Schlein: “The only solution is two peoples and two states”
The opposition’s “almost united” movement was illustrated in parliament by Democratic Party secretary Elly Schlein, who said: “Whoever wreaks havoc like Hamas – in his frank speech – is the enemy of the Palestinian peoples and the two states are the only goal we must pursue, even if it seems distant at the moment.” , remains the only target. Israel has the right to exist and the Palestinians have the right to live in peace on their own land. This is the only goal “a possibility that can eliminate all the excuses that killers use to mask their intent to dominate.”
The Dem leader then made a call to the Government and the EU: “Humanitarian corridors are needed. We also ask that this call from operators on the ground, who condemn the impossibility of delivering aid to civilians, be taken into account. Let’s avoid humanitarian disaster: the supply of water, electricity and basic goods to the Palestinian people.” “Go ahead. Do not use the Hamas argument to attack aid; this would be a favor to Hamas, which needs to be isolated from the Palestinian people and the Arab world. Let’s defend the innocent,” he concluded.
Fratoianni: “We strongly condemn Hamas without any ambiguity”
Nicola Fratoianni, in his voting statement on behalf of the Green-Left Alliance, said: “The numerous indiscriminate terrorist attacks by Hamas against the civilian population of Israel on October 7 require the unequivocal and unconditional condemnation of all, there is no ambiguity, as there should always be .” A harsh condemnation when the horrors of violence strike the most defenseless or those who bear no guilt on their shoulders, as should always be the case when the use of terrorism as a weapon of war systematically violates not only international law but also international law. sanctity of life.”
League: “With Israel, without ifs and buts”
The Union’s position is clear, as Montecitorio MP Paolo Formentini, deputy chairman of the Foreign Affairs committee, demonstrated in parliament: “The Union, he explained, is on the side of Israel, without any buts or buts. We must state very clearly which side Italy is on. The target of the funds is clear.” “Until that happens, all payments to Palestinian organizations must be stopped and suspended. No one can deny Jews the right to live safely in their own state.”
Gadda, IV: “An opportunity was missed”
And there are those who do not hide their disappointment at not being able to create a synthesis even in such a difficult period: “An opportunity was missed due to the division in the parliament on the proposals regarding Israel,” said the MP. Maria Chiara Gadda from Italia Viva gave an interview to Radio 1 during the voting. And again: “In the face of the horrors of war, we must not be divided on foreign policy. We must say in absolutely clear words that Israel has the right to exist and defend itself, and that Hamas also has these rights. Those who are guilty of such terrible acts as the murder of women, children, hostages, etc. The losers in this incident are not only the Israeli people, but also the Palestinian people, who are victims of the terrorist organization that uses them as a shield. The result of this war is: “The peace process will come to a halt. “Anyone who equates Hamas with Israel in these hours bears responsibility for undermining justice and the peace process.”
Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.