The Minister of Education, Giuseppe Valditara, visited Caivano, following the project announced in recent months by Prime Minister Meloni to maintain a constant government presence in the city of Campania, the scene of well-known events of violence and degradation. Valditara visited the 6 schools in Caivano, in addition to meeting Dom Maurizio Patriciello, the parish priest of the church of San Paolo Apostolo, in Parque Verde and the commissioner for the recovery and requalification of the territory, appointed by the government, Fabio Ciciliano. On the occasion of the visit, the Minister announced the signing of “that network project that brings together the schools in Caivano, specific initiatives that, with all the schools in Caivano, we will carry out, musical and sports projects”. The Memorandum of Understanding with Caivano schools provides for a set of initiatives that aim to requalify teaching activity in the area, as well as promoting activities of social and cultural value.
In particular, for theIC Parque Verde It is planned to create a library/media library, also equipped with texts for adoption in lending, the organization of school and summer camps both during the period in which educational activities take place and in the summer period for learning experiences, training and strengthening skills in the regional and national territory and creation of experiential and laboratory courses to introduce the world of professions and work. The project also defines the guidelines for a service to support the right to study for students with socioeconomic difficulties with the provision of goods on loan and attendance support services (for example, a canteen). I’Gasperi Institute, however, presented projects that aim to create an unconventional structure capable of hosting sporting and physical activities, strengthening musical workshops for the institute’s students, as well as extending school time, organizing film screenings, experiential courses for the introduction to the world of professions and work but also the organization of inter-school mini-Olympiads for lower secondary education students from the various schools in Caivano and neighboring municipalities. And while the Braucci Secondary School offers exchanges with international schools, theIC Milan aims to strengthen educational pathways for the development of responsible behaviors inspired by knowledge and respect for legality, environmental sustainability, landscape heritage, heritage and cultural activities in general. I’IC Cilea-Mameli proposed strengthening the support and guidance service for families of students with disabilities, specific learning disorders and special educational needs. An agriculture 4.0 and local food and wine laboratory, in collaboration with the competent University Departments, for the valorization and development of the agri-food chain already active at the school is the proposal of theIIS Moranoalongside the reinforcement of internships and PCTO courses, including individualized ones, with the creation of a specific structure at the institute to promote a network of companies and employers’ associations at national level, also through the valorization of the network of companies activated at the school in the last years.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.